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Femme au Béret et à la Robe Rouge

Femme au Béret et à la Robe Rouge, 1937: the partnership of Picasso with Dora Maar had been one of intellectual exchange and intense passion.

Among his more powerful portraits are the oils completed during the late 1930s and early 1940s, when Picasso’s art resonated with the drama and emotional upheaval of the era which Dora came to personify.

Artist: Pablo Picasso

Year: 1937

PIC54-PIC60_90x90_140x140_Silk copia
Pablo Picasso, Femme au Béret et à la Robe Rouge, 1937
PIC 54 Foulard 90 x 90 cm, 100% silk
PIC 60 Granfoulard 140 x 140 cm, 100% silk

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